Ruthless Release Party!

Thanks so much for joining me! I’ve been looking forward to hosting a release party for Ruthless [The Shores of Avalon Series] since I first came up with the premise for the story in 2020. I shuffled between different books for a while, deciding I’d write Ruthless first, when I realized it was my favorite. By the time I was holding a copy of the book in my hands, I found myself in my third trimester of pregnancy, lacking the energy to host an online party. So, I’ve brought the party to my blog! Grab a drink, pull up a chair and get ready for a special reveal of my favorite chapter in Ruthless!

But first…

What’s New With Jessica?

I’m kicking off my 7th month of my pregnancy. The busy mom of a very active 3-year-old, I don’t have a lot of time to rest, but I’m making rest a priority, when my body demands it. I’m probably out of my mind, but I’ve enrolled my daughter in mommy-and-me swim class, which we’ve been doing most of her life, and which we’ll be doing again during these last few weeks leading up to the birth of her younger sibling. Best to keep moving, I suppose. Not sure where I’ll find the energy, but we will make it happen!

How has Pregnancy affected my Writing?

When I was in my first trimester, I hardly wanted to write at all. Writer’s block isn’t the norm for me. It was frustrating and I battled my way through it. I’d just finished writing Ruthless around the time I got pregnant, and Ruthless was my favorite book to date. It was hard to let it go, and I waffled between four other stories, Reckless and Relentless [The Shores of Avalon Series] and At Her Pleasure and At His Command, the two titles in what will be my first erotic romance series, [Impassioned in Arabella City] hoping to find a new hero I could fall in love with the way I did with Jason Davenport. Everett James, hero in At Her Pleasure seems to fit the bill. I’m enjoying working on Everett’s story while I complete the final edits in Reckless. It’s a little crazy, actively working on two books at once, but it’s keeping my bored-easily pregnant brain engaged. I’m looking forward to finishing Reckless soon and setting a release date in the days ahead.

Has My Bored-Easily Pregnant Brain also affected Me as a Reader?

Over the last few years, my tastes, as a reader, have evolved. When I picked up my first romance novel at age twenty-three, a historical, which would have been traditionally classified a “bodice-ripper,” I thought it was the sexiest thing ever. These days, I’m lucky if I can get through a historic romance at all. Most seem slow and cheesy, and I feel like I’m reading the same thing over and over again. Ironically, I have a similar issue most with erotic romance, though it’s more the opposite. Oftentimes, the heroes in this sub-genre come off as cold and demeaning, and if I can’t find a hero I can fall in love with quickly, who shows me there’s a human being hiding underneath his rough edges, I put the book aside. I guess I’m looking for that perfect balance. Red hot and steamy with the makings of real love brewing underneath the surface is the only thing that holds my attention. I work my butt off trying to achieve that perfect balance in my own stories.

What made Ruthless so special? What inspired the story, and the series?

Jason has that “thing” that gets my juices flowing. He’s everything I could ever want in a hero – a former villain with demons in need of conquering, a take-no-prisoners attitude wrapped up in a package of sexy, six-foot gorgeousness, and he’s the worst possible person Natalie could fall for. My fascination with the bad guys began with Lex Luthor of Smallville and I still fall for the bad guy every single time. This time, I went the extra mile and made my former-villain an alpha hero. While I didn’t make Ruthless a full-on erotic romance, we receive many hints that Jason has a fascination with various kinks and toys and clearly likes to dominate in the bedroom. While I let much of this remain his fantasy, I was storing up a well of ideas for an actual erotic romance (which I’m putting my own spin on, probably “tame” compared to much of what’s on the market – I’ll let you be the judge…) while taking every opportunity to have Jason make Natalie aware of her dark desires, brewing hotly underneath the surface.

The idea for the Shores of Avalon series came to me back in 2020. As most of you probably know, one of the things that spurred my imagination from a young age was watching soap operas with my mother. Though it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a juicy romantic story through these avenues, I still watch Days of Our Lives and the Young and the Restless. Actors, and the characters they portray, often leave the canvas for one reason or another. One of my favorite characters on Y & R, who’s left the show and been recast on 3 different occasions, returned to Genoa City in 2019 with no memory of who he was. According to the story, the only thing he could remember about himself was that he knew how to win at high stakes poker, and this became his method of survival until his family brought him home. I thought it was such an interesting idea and I looked forward to learning more about this world the character had settled into. But the show chose to do very little with the premise and quickly moved on. So many ideas for my own stories come to me this way, when another writer neglects to write about something I would have loved to know more about. This ignited the idea for a 3-book underground poker series I plan to write later, about a world which connects to the one in the Shores of Avalon Series. Jason Davenport, and several of my other heroes got their start there, before winding up in Avalon. Around the time I was cooking all this up, I heard a lot of radio ads for casinos. I missed the beach (this was around the time of the pandemic) and the whole idea came together – 3 recent college graduates starting life at the shore, trying to find themselves and their passions. Mia, Sky, and Aly – Sky and Aly have career paths in mind, and I added in Natalie and her mom, Veronica, as my ideas started flowing. And of course, the men are making trouble in their new backyard. Like my Pinnacles of Power Series, I wanted an organized crime premise that would serve as a perfect recipe for romance. The house always has the advantage in gambling, but I thought, what if I took it the extra mile, if I had my heroes create an establishment in which every game is rigged, guaranteeing them a win at every turn. Thus, the Shores of Avalon Series was born!

I’m not entirely certain of when it came to me, but my mind kept fixating on a particular scenario in which one bold heroine, who’s learned the code to the rigged games, takes on the hero, the casino owner, in a very intense round of poker. The heroine’s aim is the take every penny the hero’s ever stolen, whereas he has a very different goal in mind. One night with the little bitch who’s been trying to take him apart, at his mercy, in his bed. The entire premise for Ruthless stemmed from my fixation on this one idea, how Natalie, daughter of Jason’s silent partner, is determined to have revenge against the man who blew up her family, how Jason, who’s worked for a decade to build his empire, refuses to lie down and concocts the perfect recipe for revenge. The two are primed to destroy one another, assuming their desires don’t get the better of them first. See why I got so hooked on this idea as you indulge in my favorite chapter in Ruthless!

Chapter 14 of Ruthless

The lights flashing around the casino entryway reflected in Autumn’s eyes as she patted Natalie’s shoulder.  “Are you really sure about this?”

Natalie breathed in and out, standing still against the lobby carpet as an ocean of unsuspecting players laughed on the other side of the glass.  “We’ve got this, Autumn.  We know the tricks.  Up until now we’ve been holding back, playing it safe.  That ends tonight.”   

The doors parted.  Natalie’s hand trembled as she lifted the end of her sequined gown, breezing past the slot machines, making her way between the tables.  Jason Davenport was probably anticipating her arrival.  Maybe he thought he’d scared her off, but surely, he had a plan in place should she be daring enough to sneak back through his door.  That was why she had prepared herself, fallen asleep going over the patterns.  She’d do what she’d come there to do as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Natalie shivered as she approached the secluded room at the furthest corner of the floor.  Not that she’d needed it, but she had probably consumed an entire pot of coffee on the ride over there.  She was about as jittery as a Mexican jumping bean, and she was anxious to burn her energy at the poker table.  But she needed to play it cool, calm, and calculated, follow the plan to the very letter. 

The worry on Autumn’s face stood out against the shimmer of her cocktail dress.  “What are you planning?  You can’t exactly take all of Jason Davenport’s money in one night.” 

“Maybe not, but I can certainly take a nice chunk of it.  The guy’s worth over a billion dollars and God knows how much more.  Enough playing for pocket change.  I sold his Harley Davidson Ecosse Titanium this morning.” 

“Oh my God”—Autumn swerved to avoid a revolving high chair—“are you serious?” 

“I got a million dollars for it.  I’m going to play it tonight and take a lot more.  The more I win, the more I’ll play.  I won’t stop until I have the fibers of Jason Davenport’s mulberry silk pillowcase.” 

Autumn urged Natalie away from the commotion.  “I admire your determination, I really do.  But are you sure you’re not starting to get a little bit crazy about this?  What you just described to me, your big plan, it sounds like the definition of a compulsive gambler.” 

Her dad had probably sounded just like her when he started out.  A chill rippled from Natalie’s garnet studded hair pins to her patent leather stilettos.  “That isn’t what I’m doing, Autumn.  Not at all.  But some risks are worth taking.  This’ll all work out.  You’ll see.  Tonight’s going to be the beginning of something incredible.” 

Natalie closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of money and adrenaline as she took a preparatory breath.  Peering into the high stakes room, she was considering where she wanted to begin when Jackson Phillps, one of the croupiers came toward her.

“Scarlet Lady”—the handsome older man kissed her hand—“it’s wonderful to see you.  The place has been dead without you here the last couple of nights.”

“I’m sure you’re exaggerating, but that’s”—Natalie cast a tight smile in Autumn’s direction—“sweet of you to say.” 

“We’re getting a game together.  High stakes poker.  Would you ladies care to join in?” 

Natalie rubbed her palms.  “Bring it on.” 

Phillips escorted Natalie on his right arm, Autumn on his left.  He brought them into the room and led them to a table in the far back corner.  Natalie was shaking, but she began to relax a little as she exchanged a friendly greeting with the four men in suits, Aiden, Gabriel, Lincoln, and Jax, all of whom she’d met previously.  They weren’t really players.  They worked for Jason Davenport to encourage the real players to relax, kick back and make high wagers with their hard-earned money. 

Natalie knew the game and she’d memorized the patterns until her head hurt.  If this was a set-up, she couldn’t be more ready for it. 

A large chair stood empty at the head of the table.  Apparently, Jason Davenport was keeping a low profile tonight.  It was just as well.  Much as she wanted to pry the money directly out of his hand, she couldn’t stand to wait a second longer.

“Deal me in for twenty thousand,” Natalie said as she took her seat.

“Flush,” the dealer said a few minutes later, igniting a round of applause upon Natalie’s win, which was immediately followed by another.  “Full house.” 

They played several more hands, Natalie doubling her money to forty thousand, eighty, and soon she had over three million dollars.  A smile spread across her face as she gazed at her pile of chips.  She’d collected more money in expensive toys, but as far as hard-up cash went, this was a first.  And she was only getting started. 

Phillips cleared the table.  “Another round, ladies?”

Natalie was about to answer, when a powerful voice behind them said, “I’d like to get in on this game.”

Embers blazed against Natalie’s skin.  She wasn’t even looking at Jason Davenport, but his imperious tone raised her temperature a thousand degrees.  Reminding herself this was her night, that she wasn’t going to allow anyone to stand in her way, she lifted her chin as she turned toward him.  “You know, it’s rude to interrupt when the same players have been playing together for a while and someone is late to the game.” 

“Hopefully they won’t be too put off by my offensive behavior seeing as how I own the place.”  The sarcasm in Davenport’s voice sent a shiver up her spine as he took the seat opposite hers.  “As a matter of fact, I would like very much to play the next game with you one on one, Scarlet Lady.  You don’t mind sparing her, do you, gentlemen?” 

The men seated at the table looked at one another.  Like soldiers falling into formation, they stood at the same time, vacating their chairs, leaving Autumn, Natalie, and Jason Davenport behind.

Autumn tugged Natalie’s sleeve.  “Do you want me to stay?”

Natalie waved her away.  “It’s okay.  I can handle him.”

“Are you sure about that?”  Davenport’s hot breath tingled against her face.

“That I can handle you?”  Natalie swallowed.  “I have no doubt about it.” 

“Confidence can be a winning strategy.  It can also be a fatal mistake.  I guess we’ll see what it proves to be in your case.” 

Natalie stabbed her purse handles.  “Yes, we will.” 

“High stakes poker.  No wagers less than twenty thousand.”  Davenport snapped his fingers.  “Phillips, deal the cards.”

They played the first round, Davenport raising her fifty thousand dollars, to which, Natalie called and won.  The game continued, Natalie adding nearly half a million dollars to her stack.

“You’re on a winning streak, Scarlet Lady.  Or maybe it’s skill.  It’s obvious enough you’re a woman of many talents.” 

“You have no idea,” Natalie retorted, unsettled by the fact that her opponent seemed to find her reply a lot more amusing than she’d intended it. 

Phillips dealt the next hand.  And after returning two cards and obtaining two more Natalie had the straight flush she had expected to.  Her hand wasn’t unbeatable.  But she had a fair idea of what her opponent was concealing.  It didn’t come close to a winning group of cards.

“I see your fifty thousand.  And I raise you”—Davenport pushed several large piles of chips into the middle of the table—“twenty million dollars.”

Natalie gasped, as did everyone within earshot.  A waiter passing by dropped a tray of champagne and the men who’d vacated the table turned to one another and scratched their heads.  Actors or otherwise, it was clear enough their boss’s wager was not conventional. 

Dollar signs danced in Natalie’s eyes.  She wanted that money like a triple chocolate sundae with an extra layer of fudge.  But even with tonight’s winnings, her previous winnings and all the pricey items she’d added to her treasure trove, she didn’t have nearly enough backing to go for the gold.

“All in, three million five,” she said with regret in her voice.  “I don’t have enough to call, so…”

“I don’t have a problem with that”—menacing eyes peered at her from across the top of their owner’s cards—“as long as you make up the difference with something of equal or greater value.”

“Well, I’ve become very fond of your Bugatti Divo.  And even if I put everything I’ve won on the table, it still doesn’t match your wager.”

Davenport lifted one dark, angled eyebrow.  “You underestimate your value, Scarlet Lady.”

“My value?”  Natalie fidgeted with the weight of her necklace.  “What are you talking about?”

“Keep the car,” he said, “and tonight’s winnings.  If you win, I’ll give you twenty million dollars free and clear.”

Her knees knocked.  “And if you win?”

Her opponent leaned in and whispered in a voice only she could hear, “I get you, Lette.  For one night in my bed.”

“Your bed?”  Sweat glistened against the cavern of Natalie’s thighs.

He displayed a wicked smile.  “To do whatever I want with you.”

Natalie’s heart pounded.  Blood pumping like the workings of an erratic piece of machinery, she said, “You can’t seriously think I’d agree to that.” 

“I guess it depends on how badly you want to win.  I’d say pretty badly, if the last few weeks are any indication, but the decision is yours.  Just know that this is a one-shot deal.  I don’t offer my opponents twenty million dollars every time I bat an eyelash.  Decide carefully.” 

Natalie’s chest rose and fell with the ticking of her challenger’s Timex.  The risk was too high, but she couldn’t pass on the opportunity.  If she kept going this way, taking dribs and drabs every night, she could be playing cards at the casino forever.  Twenty million dollars barely scratched the surface, but it got her in the game.  She had to try for it.  She’d be a fool not to. 

Natalie fiddled with a lock of her hair.  She shuddered to think where this would leave her if she lost.  Except she wasn’t going to lose.  She had the winning hand.  Jason Davenport was trying to call her bluff.  He was cracking under the anguish of his humiliation, and he was playing the only hand he had, desperate to save his arrogant face. 

“Call.”  Natalie spoke so the group could hear.

Davenport smiled.  “Ladies first.” 

“Straight flush,” the dealer announced.

“Wow.”  Her opponent shook his head.  “That’s a powerful hand.  Almost impossible to beat.”

“Yes, it is.  So, I’ll take my—”

 “Except I just did.”  He tossed down his cards.  “Royal flush.”

What?”  Natalie jumped out of her chair.  “No, that can’t be!”

“Oh yes, it can.  Unless you know something I don’t.”  Creases curved the corners of his mouth as he sat back in his chair and perched against his elbow.

The lava inside her steamed to a boil.  “I know you set me up, you son of a bitch!”

“Set you up?  I’m not sure how I could have done that.  Unless you’re implying I cheated.  I’m insulted.  I thought you knew me better than that.”

Jax Grayson applauded.  Davenport sliced the air with his hands, obviously indicating that was overkill. 

The room spun before Natalie’ eyes.  “This can’t be happening.” 

“Take heart, Lette.  You put up a good fight.  But at the end of the night, there can only be one winner.  And he’s anxious to collect his prize.” 

“Tonight?”  Natalie’s breath caught.  “You can’t possibly expect me to—”

Davenport snatched hold of her wrist, infusing her with an injection of ice and fire.  Drawing her face against his, he said in a sharp whisper, “You made the wager.  And I had the winning hand.  In my games, I make the rules.  I say who, I say where, I say when.  And I say now.  Let’s go.” 

Natalie’s heart slammed.  Fighting to hold her head up, she was on the verge of fainting when Autumn rushed to her side. 

“What happened?” Autumn whispered, “what’s going on?” 

Tinder spluttered against the drum of Natalie’s ear.  “Get rid of her.”

Natalie swallowed a massive lump.  “Autumn, I have to deal with something.” 

“Deal with what?” her harried friend demanded, “what are you talking about?” 

“Look, it’s no big deal, all right?”—Natalie handed over her keys—“just take the car back to the beach house and I’ll get a cab.” 

“What?  Are you crazy?  There’s no way I’m leaving you alone with him!” 

“Please…Anastasia, I can handle this.  Everything is fine.  I’ll check in with you later.  I—”  Natalie’s words were cut off as Jason Davenport shoved her forward and dragged her away from the table. 

His grip was strong, locking her in a titanium forcefield as he led her past the games and out of the main room, colors and faces becoming a blur as he forced her to move with his quick stride.  Stepping through an automatic door, the two of them exited the building, the cool August air striking Natalie’s bare arms as they strode underneath the moon, shimmering against the pool’s rippling surface.  The entrance to the hotel opened automatically.  Davenport halted in front of the elevators.

Light flashed and a bell dinged.  Natalie stumbled forward as Davenport released her, casting her a look that ignited a wave of arousal more powerful than her fears as the doors encased them in darkness.

I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a peek at my favorite chapter in Ruthless! If you missed my pre-order sale, you can still snag a digital copy of Ruthless for just $2.99, or a paperback for just $9.99! Be sure to sign up for my Newsletter to get alerts about my latest releases and 99 Cent Sales. My Newsletter goes out once a month. Follow me on my New Facebook Page, too!

Thanks so much for reading! Looking forward to sharing more steamy, romantic stories, and baby pictures, soon!

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