“Does it excite you? The thought of taking your pleasure under my control?”
At Jason Davenport’s casino, he makes the rules. The games and the players are his to command, until a mysterious woman calling herself Scarlet Lady threatens to bleed him dry. Jason’s dealt with nuisances in the past. But his attraction to the red-attired hellion who obviously has inside information regarding how his games are rigged, grows stronger night by night. Rose water and freesia prove a deadly combination. When the woman wearing them strikes him below the belt, Jason fears he may be losing the war, and himself.
Journalist Natalie Palmer will stop at nothing to avenge the wrong that’s been done to her family. She’s primed to rip every penny from the man who blew up her parents’ marriage, but decimating Jason Davenport doesn’t prove to be as cut and dried as she believed. Davenport is slick and cunning and more attractive than Natalie imagined. Fear becomes arousal, her dark desires for the monster who made her father a criminal, a temptation she’s powerless to resist.

“Jessica Lauryn delivers again with this captivating novel filled with twists and turns, vivid scenes, and a mesmerizing love story as enemies turn to lovers. Readers will be satisfied with this page-turning thriller. Ruthless is gripping, sultry, and has an ending you won’t see coming!” – Morgan Lee Reviews
“Natalie Palmer is a force to be reckoned with. Jason Davenport is a liar and a cheat but who knew he had a heart? I want more of this world! Ms. Lauryn’s talent knows no end and I admire her more with every book she releases!” – Diana Rose, YA Fantasy Romance Author, 5 Stars!
“Jessica Lauryn is a talented storyteller. Only in recent years have I come to appreciate how interesting romance novels can be. Jessica is one author who helped change my mind.” – Kurt Springs, Science Fiction Author, 5 Stars! (**Kurt also named Ruthless one of his 3 Favorite Reads in 2024!**)
“A sizzling game of power, revenge and undeniable attraction!” – Shahid Pervaiz, 5 Stars!

Learn more about Ruthless and see what inspired the story at my Virtual Release Party!
Read An Excerpt
Phillips cleared the table. “Another round, ladies?”
Natalie was about to answer, when a powerful voice behind them said, “I’d like to get in on this game.”
Embers blazed against Natalie’s skin. She wasn’t even looking at Jason Davenport, but his imperious tone raised her temperature a thousand degrees. Reminding herself this was her night, that she wasn’t going to allow anyone to stand in her way, she lifted her chin as she turned toward him. “You know, it’s rude to interrupt when the same players have been playing together for a while and someone is late to the game.”

“Hopefully they won’t be too put off by my offensive behavior seeing as how I own the place.” The sarcasm in Davenport’s voice sent a shiver up her spine as he took the seat opposite hers. “As a matter of fact, I would like very much to play the next game with you one on one, Scarlet Lady. You don’t mind sparing her, do you, gentlemen?”
The men seated at the table looked at one another. Like soldiers falling into formation, they stood at the same time, vacating their chairs, leaving Autumn, Natalie, and Jason Davenport behind.
Autumn tugged Natalie’s sleeve. “Do you want me to stay?”
Natalie waved her away. “It’s okay. I can handle him.”
“Are you sure about that?” Davenport’s hot breath tingled against her face.
“That I can handle you?” Natalie swallowed. “I have no doubt about it.”
“Confidence can be a winning strategy. It can also be a fatal mistake. I guess we’ll see what it proves to be in your case.”
Natalie stabbed her purse handles. “Yes, we will.”
“High stakes poker. No wagers less than twenty thousand.” Davenport snapped his fingers. “Phillips, deal the cards.”
They played the first round, Davenport raising her fifty thousand dollars, to which, Natalie called and won. The game continued, Natalie adding nearly half a million dollars to her stack.
“You’re on a winning streak, Scarlet Lady. Or maybe it’s skill. It’s obvious enough you’re a woman of many talents.”
“You have no idea,” Natalie retorted, unsettled by the fact that her opponent seemed to find her reply a lot more amusing than she’d intended it.
Phillips dealt the next hand. And after returning two cards and obtaining two more Natalie had the straight flush she had expected to. Her hand wasn’t unbeatable. But she had a fair idea of what her opponent was concealing. It didn’t come close to a winning group of cards.
“I see your fifty thousand. And I raise you”—Davenport pushed several large piles of chips into the middle of the table—“twenty million dollars.”
Natalie gasped, as did everyone within earshot. A waiter passing by dropped a tray of champagne and the men who’d vacated the table turned to one another and scratched their heads. Actors or otherwise, it was clear enough their boss’s wager was not conventional.
Dollar signs danced in Natalie’s eyes. She wanted that money like a triple chocolate sundae with an extra layer of fudge. But even with tonight’s winnings, her previous winnings and all the pricey items she’d added to her treasure trove, she didn’t have nearly enough backing to go for the gold.

“All in, three million five,” she said with regret in her voice. “I don’t have enough to call, so…”
“I don’t have a problem with that”—menacing eyes peered at her from across the top of their owner’s cards—“as long as you make up the difference with something of equal or greater value.”
“Well, I’ve become very fond of your Buggati Divo. And even if I put everything I’ve won on the table, it still doesn’t match your wager.”
Davenport lifted one dark, angled eyebrow. “You underestimate your value, Scarlet Lady.”
“My value?” Natalie fidgeted with the weight of her necklace. “What are you talking about?”
“Keep the car,” he said, “and tonight’s winnings. If you win, I’ll give you twenty million dollars free and clear.”
Her knees knocked. “And if you win?”
Her opponent leaned in and whispered in a voice only she could hear, “I get you, Lette. For one night in my bed.”
“Your bed?” Sweat glistened against the cavern of Natalie’s thighs.
He displayed a wicked smile. “To do whatever I want with you.”